About Us

What we offer

1. Education on the importance of clean, mineralize drinking water.

2. Solutions for cleaning any water source by removing contaminants and toxins.

3. The Value of Ionic sulfated minerals.

A few words about us

We a group of young individuals looking to make a change in this world. We have been fortunate enough to gain great education on the importance of minerals and water. We want to share this with you!


Remineralize the Central Coast


Educate People on the Importance of Minerals

Values Transparency:

To be clear and structured


To hold many forms without losing our identity

Passive Aggressive:

Move forward with the path of least resistant

What we offer
  • 2009 - We opened our own gardening retail store in Salinas, CA.
  • 2013 - We changed our company name and focus to service all gardeners and farmers.
  • 2013 - We shifted the gardening business to online and began to focus on Drops of Balance more intensely.